10.5″ Square Template – Block Party

Here is the PDF for the 10.5" square template. Make sure you print out the template at 100%, preferably from your desktop computer using the free software Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Click here to download the PDF file with template.

Kendra Scott Bracelet Dupe

So I've been drooling over this colorful beaded bracelet from Kendra Scott for months (sad story: the bracelet is now out of stock). But it was $68, and to me, that is a lot of money for a bracelet! I just couldn't pull the trigger. 

So instead, I decided to see if I could make a copy cat version of it myself! And I did! 

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Block Party – Month 3

Happy May!! We are keeping it simple this month, but with 21 pieces to this block, it's not as easy as it looks.

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How I Film Top Down Video

Are you ready for a little "behind the seams"?? Today I'm sharing how I film my videos from above! 

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Block Party – Month 2

Welcome to Month 2 of the OklaRoots Block Party! Congratulations on making your blocks in Month 1. Overall, we seemed to have a lot of positive feelings about that block, so let's see if we can keep it up for April! 

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