Sparkle Bags!

My love for boxy bags has gone to a whole new level today. Introducing, sparkly boxy bags!!!

:: applause :: :: cheers :: :: the crowd goes WILD ::

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Fat Quarter Cinch Pouch Tutorial

In an effort to get through the last minute Christmas gift hustle, I realized I didn’t have gift bags on hand for the smaller trinkets.  Instead of braving the elements (and putting on “grown up” clothes) I relied on my handy-dandy sewing room for a solution.

Binding Calculator and Tutorial


Here is a handy calculator to cut the calculation time for binding down SIGNIFICANTLY!!  

Simply enter in your quilt and fabric measurements, click "Calculate" and the calculator will tell you how long your binding should be, as well as how many strips you need to cut and how many yards that will require.  

I know.... my mind is blown as well. 

Video Tutorial:

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Boxy Bag pattern additions

The next bag I have been testing out is the Boxy Bag. This is a very popular bag pattern, especially for us beginners. After reviewing a few tutorials, I decided to follow Kelby at kelbysews. She has done such a wonderful job of showing you every single step of the process in her tutorial.

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Trying out the Noodlehead Petal Pouch

I have avoided making bags for years.  Yes, I only started quilting 1 year ago, but I have dabbled in sewing for the last 6. While I have been interested in making all kinds of things, a zippered bag seemed too daunting for this newby sewer.