Delilah Block of the Month – Month 4 – Fairhaven

So this block took... a while. 

Partly because I have been in a cross country move.  But mostly because.... don't make me say it....

Ok.... I'll say it....


Those @$#^@$&#* curves

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Sweet Cone Quilt Pattern

This was such an exciting pattern to put together. I had been mulling over this idea for over a year, trying to come up with an intersecting quilt block pattern.  One that you could arrange however you want, and all the blocks will "connect" with one another. 

TA-DA!  The Sweet Cone Pattern was born. It's currently available in my shop here!  The pattern includes measurements for Throw, Twin and Queen sizes.

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Delilah Block of the Month – Month 3 – Shooting Star


Did you hear someone screaming that from their rooftop? You did?! Wasn't me....

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Delilah Block of the Month – Month 2 – Bells Beach Block

Welcome back!  This month we explore curves.... again.  If you have been following me on Instagram (@oklaroots) you may have noticed that I am not a big fan of the curves.  

Well, let me clarify:  I love the look of curves... I just don't like making them. 

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Delilah Block of the Month – Month 1 – Rising Sun Block

Anyone else listen to "Delilah" on the radio?  You know the intro.... "Deliiiiilaaaaaaaahhh"? Well, I sing that EVERY TIME I am working on one of these blocks... and I kind of love it. (So does my husband, he just doesn't want to admit it)

If you don't know, the Delilah star of this blog post is a recent quilt pattern by Jen Kingwell.  I have been holding on to this block of the month pattern since it started... a year ago.  I participated with Amitie quilt shop, receiving a block pattern, acrylic templates and a selection of fabrics each month.  At this point in time (April 2018) the block of the month program is over and the pattern is not available to purchase.  I will update this once that changes. UPDATE: Pattern available here!

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