Block Party – Month 9

How is it already November?! What happened to October?


As we get into some of the busiest time of the year, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to throw an easy and classic block your way. This month we're making log cabin quilt blocks, a design many quilters start out with. Made up entirely of rectangles, you stack each piece one at a time to create a woven look. What I love about this block is although it's basic, depending on the design, once you layer it with other log cabin quilt blocks it can create some really cool visual effects. 

So have fun making some this month! This is a great replacement block for any months that just weren't speaking to you. Change around the fabrics and they end up looking like entirely different quilt blocks. 


About The Author

Jessica OklaRoots


  1. Catherine Freimann | 24th Jan 21

    I’m an avid quilter and crafter/artist. You have given me a great way to learn more and am enjoying watching your quilt tips and especially your bag making. My husband keeps telling me to sell my stuff but I usually just give them as gifts. I am glad that I accidentally found your channel but have still learned a lot from your demonstrations. I hope to learn more about bag making and have done a few but gave away for Christmas and forgot to take pictures. Keep up the good work. Just a thought. When making quilt projects, such as month eleven I think, you used a flying geese. Please refer to the unit as such, and just a tip on flying geese, always sew with that unit on top so that you can see where your tip is and you do not sew beyond that then you will always have perfect points in that block.

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